Confidential Medical Board Monitoring Program

Your privacy is extremely important to us. All voluntary involvement is confidential.

Confidential Medical Board Monitoring Program

The Board of Medical and Osteopathic Examiner’s Medical Board Monitoring Program (MBMP) is a confidential no fee required program designed for medical professionals who need monitoring when they are unable to practice with reasonable skill or safety, or whose practice poses a risk to the public. The confidential MBMP does not provide case management but can assist you with recommending the appropriate format using your team of professionals at no charge to you.

Eligibility to Participate

Any allopathic or osteopathic physician, athletic trainer, emergency medical services personnel, genetic counselor, licensed nutritionist/registered dietitian, occupational therapist, occupational therapy assistant, physician assistant, and respiratory care practitioner who holds a license, has applied for licensure, or is a student enrolled in a SD education program, may apply to participate in the program. 

Enrollment Options

  • Has both confidential voluntary track and a mandated track
  • No fees for voluntary or mandated participants.
  • Voluntary Enrollment allows individuals, who meet eligibility criteria, to enroll and participate in MBMP on a confidential basis.  A participant's information will not be shared with the Board of Medical and Osteopathic Examiners or public. To be eligible, the licensee, applicant, or student has not:
    • Been terminated from another similar program due to noncompliance; 
    • Had a history of practice involving significant harm or death to a patient; 
    • Engaged in the diversion of drugs or substances for the purpose of sale or distribution to others; 
    • Engaged in behavior that has a high potential to cause patient harm; 
    • Fraudulently written a prescription;
    • Been convicted of criminal behavior that includes crimes involving sexual misconduct, violence, or threatening behavior; 
    • Had a license that has been on probation, suspended, or revoked. 
  • Individuals who are mandated under a formal Board order to participate, may not apply to enroll voluntarily.  
  • All enrolled participants must maintain compliance in the program; failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.

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