Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1

What is the standard timeframe for licensure to be granted?

*After the applicant has submitted (or facilitated submission) of requirements, the Board staff time to issue is measured in hours. When a file is complete, the license is issued that day or no later than the next business day or two.*

Timelines are difficult to quantify because it is entirely dependent upon how quickly applicants take care of their requirements – some move very quickly and some are quite slow. There is no “typical” or “average” timeline. The time line is entirely up to the applicant and how quickly they get the required documents submitted – this is solely the applicant’s responsibility. Applicant timelines cannot exceed 120 days or the incomplete file is closed. 

Question 2 

What is the timeframe to received fingerprint background investigation results?

The current timeframe to receive the DCI fingerprint results is about 2 weeks from the date the correctly completed packet is received at the Board office (packets are sent for processing same day as receipt in the office). 
The applicant's checklist message is updated accordingly as items are received. 

Question 3

How do I start the application process for licensure?

The applicant should create or login to their MySD account. All applications types can be found through this account. Tutorials on how to create a MySD account and starting an application can be found here: https://www.sdbmoe.gov/sdbmoe-training-tutorials/. If you need further assistance or have additional questions please email [email protected].

Question 4

How do I request a Board to Board verification of my license? 

Board to Board verifications can be requested by completing the online form found in the MySD account. A training tutorial to help guide through this process can be found here: https://www.sdbmoe.gov/sdbmoe-training-tutorials/ 

Question 5

When can I renew my license? 

Online license renewals are made available 90 days prior to the expiration of the licensure through your online MySD account.